Korean Americans in the U.S. who support Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, will launch a full-fledged support campaign.
In areas where many Koreans live, including California and New York, Korean American leaders formed an official support group for Harris ,”Korean Americans for Harris”.
On 8th, Korean Americans for Harris will hold an online launch event on Zoom in support of Democratic nominee Harris.
Korean American leaders representing California, Illinois, New York, Washington, Texas, Georgia, Washington, DC, Virginia, Maryland, and New Jersey will explain why Harris is the right presidential candidate for the Korean community and how Korean voters in swing states play a role in this election.
Speakers at the event will include Representative Andie Kim of New Jersey’s 3rd District, Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke of Hawaii, Representative Sam Park of Georgia and former member Kevin Woo of Idol group U-KISS.
In addition, “Korean Americans for Harris” will be officially opened to unify the sponsorship window for Koreans, and all Korean community donations will be made in the name of the Korean community.
The event, which will be held on Zoom, will be held at 5 p.m. Western time, and you can register online at tinyurl.com/KAFH 2024
Steve Kang, co-chair of the “Korean Americans for Harris,” said they plans to launch a phone banking campaign of Korean volunteers to outreach voters in swing states.
Korean Americans formed official support group for Harris
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